Donate to the Sarah Palin Action Fund!

Want to defend community organizing from unwarranted Republican attacks? Help us put our anger to productive use: contribute to the Sarah Palin Action Fund for Organizer Training!

Every dollar donated to our Sarah Palin Action Fund will go to train a new generation of community organizers to serve America’s struggling, hardworking communities. Click here for details and to help out!

7 responses to “Donate to the Sarah Palin Action Fund!

  1. Great Idea!!!

  2. let’s not give sarah the credit for inadverantly doing some good.

  3. another organizer

    I wouldn’t worry about inadvertently giving credit to Palin. The name is catchy and seems to be attracting support. Organizers like us around the country have already raised over $1000 in less than a day. Anyone who reads through the sight will know… we don’t support the GOP belittling our hard work!

  4. I know first hand how hard and real this work is. Although my door-knocking days may be over, being an organizer was one of the most formative experiences of my life. As I watched the spectacle of the RNC’s treatment of community organizing, I felt physically ill. Thank you for creating this fund. Supporting the training of future organizers acts for me as an anti-dote to the bitter poison of Palintology. Blessings and courage to all of you.

  5. How about a few jokes of our own?

    What’s the difference between a community organizer and a pit bull?
    The pit bull fights alone.

  6. Community organizers work HARD for HARD WORKING people!!

    Keep it up guys!!

  7. I hope that this great blog can continue. Even though I now teach and am no longer a paid organizer, I am proud of my organizer past and still believe in community organizing. I was reminded of this in the past few weeks with all of the stupid, negative comments by Republicans. I even have a “Jesus was a community organizer” bumper sticker on my car. Best wishes to everyone here.

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